e-Számlázás szolgáltatásaink
A Triad Kft. a saját fejlesztésű keretrendszer felhasználásával vállalja bonyolult, tranzakciós dokumentum (pl. számla) kezelő rendszerek megvalósítását a szintén saját fejlesztésű és nemzetközileg is elismert Zero Corner Model alapján.
Tapasztalt és képzett mérnökeink eladás előtti tanácsadással is a potenciális felhasználók rendelkezésére állnak, majd megrendelés esetén megtervezik és határidőre, költségkereten belül kivitelezik a követelményeknek megfelelő rendszert. Kérés esetén részt vesznek a folyamatok kialakításában, majd az üzemeltetés során teljes körű támogatást nyújtanak.

Kelen András villamosmérnök, a Triad Kft. alapítója (1986) és ügyvezetője több ismert nemzetközi társaság után (Interactive Development Environment, Marconi, Dephax, Hitachi) 1999-ben került kapcsolatba a CheckFree-vel, és ezzel megkezdődött a cég e-Számlázási sikersorozata.
e-Billing/e-Invoicing Services
Most of our services today are based on our new development of the Shared Smart Documents solutions, utilizing our concept of the Zero Corner Model. We also provide consulting service to support our clients.
Our highly qualified engineers will analyse the task to be solved, consult how to streamline the old paper based or digitally assisted paper based processes, to make the operations more effective, user-friendly, including billing and the connecting areas like customer care, dispute management, marketing, operations, and the like. Ultimately we implement the system and provide full support during the life cycle of the system.
All of our activities are based on our 30 years of experience
Our solutions create genuine electronic bills/invoices, which can be processed automatically by the properly designed and implemented A/P solutions or the payment initiated with a single click. We do not believe in “popular” solutions, like sending the bill as an email attachment, but the contrary we have faith in that the focal point is the presentment of the bills. Our systems are future proof, since we not only use XML format because it is trendy, but our systems are prepared for the real paperless world.
Initially we have dedicated our efforts to EBPP over the past 12 years to understand and build such systems. We could well make use of the former experiences in heavy duty printing technology producing utility and telco bills, bank statement, and the like, as well as our software lifecycle support practice which helped us to set up the most rigorous in-house development environment, similar to that of the real time, military requirements.

The founder, Andras Kelen, an MSc in electronic engineering in 1986 launched Triad, forged the relationship with some leading corporations like Interactive Development Environment establishing the visual software design etalon of Software through Pictures, Delphax and Hitachi, the printer vendors, CheckFree, the vendor of the that time de-facto industry standard i-Series in Electronic Billing, back in 1999.